Bible Versions
What Bible versions do we use?
We use 1 or more Bible versions on each CD. Each CD page shows "Bible versions used" with a list of the common version abbreviations. The bible version(s) in bold type is the predominant version on that given CD, the other versions are used more sparingly. For instance, for "The Heavens Declare", you will see NAS, KJV, NIV. This means that the majority of songs on the recording use New American Standard, but a few songs use King James or the New International Version. Note that there are not different choices of the same CD using different Bible versions. Rather, the versions shown in the description are those used on that one CD. So, in our "Heavens Declare" example, there is one CD available that happens to have mostly NAS songs, a few KJV songs, and one NIV song. Bible versions used are as follows:
Sing The Word From A to Z: ages birth-5
Bible versions: Mostly NIV, some KJV
Teach Me Your Paths: ages 3-8
Bible versions: NIV
A New Commandment: ages 6-7
Bible versions: Mostly NKJV, some KJV
God Our Provider: ages 7-8
Bible versions: Mostly KJV, some RSV,NASB
Great In Counsel: ages 8-9
Bible versions: Mostly KJV,RSV, some NASB
The Heavens Declare: ages 9 through adult
Bible versions: Mostly NASB, some KJV,NIV
All Nations Shall Worship: ages 10 through adult
Bible versions: Mostly NASB, some KJV,NKJV
Credo: ages 11 through adult
Bible versions: Mostly NASB,NKJV, some KJV
Quiet Time Collection: birth-6 (compilation of quiet songs from other CDs)